Have Fun With Grumpalot

Play Grumpalot says

Can you pretend to be me?

Try these actions…

Do a Grumpalot Strut!

Show your razor, sharp teeth!

Shoot out your pink tongue just like me!

Swish your tail feathers and turn your back just like I did when I met Gretel Goose.

When it’s raining next, enjoy a good old splash in a rain puddle just like Muddy Duck does! I love Muddy Duck, don’t you? Don’t tell him I said so though!

Can you peer out from your beady eyes and quack just like Muddy Duck does? Both at the same time!

Flap your wings and fly away as fast as they will carry you! Pretend to be as frightened as Lacy Ladybug was when she saw me. Oh how nasty I was. I’m glad I’m not like that anymore.

Next time you are frightened, try and be brave just like Snow Goose. She must have been so scared inside because I was just so mean. I’m really sorry now.

How caring and loving Snow Goose is. Can you be caring and loving today?

Make grumpy goose sounds…


Don’t spit or pretend to bite! I don’t think that is nice, do you? I’m sorry I did that.

H-Ronk! H-Ronk!

Snore like Me…

H…H…H…Hsnonk! Zzz…Zzz

H…H…H…Hsnonk! Zzz…Zzz

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