After all the excitement of the publication of his story and watching the delight of his young readers unwrapping their new book, Grumpalot thought he deserved some peace and quiet.

Wouldn’t you?

He found a warm, shady nook, under the leafy bough of a tree. A perfect spot for a snooze!

“Oh how lovely it is to enjoy some peace and quiet,” he thought to himself.
“Time for a well deserved snooze!”

He snuggled down into the warm grass and wrapped his wings around him. Soon he was happily snoring as a goose does.

“H…H…H…Hsnonk! ZzZ…ZzZ”.

“H…H…H…Hsnonk! ZzZ…ZzZ”.

Oh no!

Suddenly, he was woken by incessant screeching, “There’s Grumpalot! Look over there…It’s Grumpalot, come on! Let’s go over to him!”

A very distressed Grumpalot angrily woke up! He wasn’t happy.
“What’s going on?”

Quickly he scrambled as fast as he could into the water and swam with all his might into the safety of the tall, green reeds.

“Phew!” he breathed a sigh of relief as he settled down once more. This time though he was a little scared and couldn’t settle. Poor Grumpalot! What a fright he had had.

So remember, if you go on a Grumpalot hunt, go carefully and quietly and try not to disturb or scare Grumpalot. We don’t want him to turn scary again, do we?

Happy Grumpalot hunting, but tread quietly!



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